Transmission and Gear Boxes

    Allison transmissions are built for today’s high start-stop duty-cycles. Whether transporting perishables around a city, running regional pickup and delivery routes or making the long haul, Allison positions you and your drivers to succeed.

    eGen Power® includes our fully electric e-Axles for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles up to 28,660 lbs. GAWR, with a multi-speed gearbox and up to 650 kW of peak power.

    Allison Transmission is an industry leader in designing, engineering and manufacturing fully automatic transmissions for the energy sector. In oil and gas fields all over the world, our rugged and reliable transmissions are working to make your operations more productive—even in the harshest conditions.

    For decades, Allison has provided RV and motorhome owners with proven reliability and durability, impressive fuel efficiency and a smooth ride. Our propulsion solutions deliver more power and control to the wheels while optimizing engine power. Whatever your travel plans, there’s an Allison to help you reach your destination.

    There is nothing easy about the job you do, and customers always expect more. It’s good to know an Allison Automatic is ready to get you on- and off-site no matter where the road leads. When you need to finish the job, Allison helps you do it confidently.

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    KARSAZ has been facilitating various industrial sectors for imports/wholesale/retail business of plant & equipment, componentry, spare parts, accessories and technical service support.

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    1st Floor, Ehtesham Centre, 10th East Street, Phase 1, D.H.A. Karachi-75500, Pakistan.






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